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Books we can't stop


Never split the difference

Christopher Voss, Tahl Raz 2016

maybe you should talk to someone lori go

I'm terrible at asking money for what I do. I can't estimate the price of my knowledge and I always put myself in the shoes of the one asking for my services and that is very wrong. We all have situations in which we have to put a price tag, we have to negotiate a lower rent, a better contract and there are ways in which we should be able to get the most out of it. First step would be to understand what good and most means to all of us.  And to read this book. He might be aggressive and too good to aspire to be like him, but we all can learn for really good negotiators although we don't deal with life and death situations. I want to thank my friend for recommending me this book and I would love if more of you would at least try some of his teachings, it will sure make negotiations a bit more fun. 

Get to know the author

Former FBI lead hostage negotiator, does this say everything you need to know? Probably not. 

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One, separate the person—the emotion—from the problem; two, don’t get wrapped up in the other side’s position (what they’re asking for) but instead focus on their interests (why they’re asking for it) so that you can find what they really want; three, work cooperatively to generate win-win options; and, four, establish mutually agreed-upon standards for evaluating those possible solutions.

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