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Books we can't stop


The Paradox of Choice

Barry Schwarz 2004

maybe you should talk to someone lori go

I found answers to questions I didn't think to ask. Some of our thoughts and ways of acting come so natural to us, that we don't even question why we do things the way we do. 

Why are we sometimes so tired of making the smallest decision during a day? "As options increase the effort in making decisions, mistakes hurt even more." There's the analysis paralysis and buyer’s remorse. Ego depletion is a real thing. Willpower is a finite resource. The more decisions we must make in a day, the faster we drain that resource.

Why are we so risk averse although we know it makes us less happy? "Losses have more than twice the psychological impact as equivalent gains". This is the explanations for why we find it so difficult to give up on a job that we already have, although we hate it, we have a certainty that we wouldn't have if giving it up. 

By reading The Paradox of Choice you'll also find out if your a MAXIMISER or a SATISFICIER. 

Get to know the author

Barry Schwartz might not be a known name to many of us. Although it's a book I can't stop recommending, I have to Google his name. The title of the book is so easy to remember and became somehow sinonomous with him. 

The fun fact is, that no matter what kind of book you read on being human, they will quote something written by Barry. He also quotes a lot from Thinking Fast and Slow by Kahneman, but the way he writes is a lot more easily digestable, some pages will definitely make you smile. 

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Choice has gone from implicit to explicit and psychologically very real. We face a demand to make choices that’s unparalleled in human history.

We would opt for choice almost every time. But it’s the cumulative effect of this added choices that cause distress. The tyranny of small decisions.

The benefits of multi-individual information assessment - group prediction better than individual

When making choices among alternatives that involve a certain amount of risk or uncertainty, we prefer a small, sure gain to a larger uncertain one.

When the possibilities involve losses, we will risk a larger loss to avoid a smaller one.

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