Books we can't stop
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Mark Manson 2018
It is the most difficult for me to write about Manson.
Firstly, because I think everybody already knows him and read The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. All the 8 mil people who bought the copies, plus all the borrowers and those copying pdfs...
Secondly, because it is a self-help and I'm not comfortable with being a promoter of this genre, although most of what you'll find here is self-help. There are very good self-help books and mediocre ones, and unfortunately like reality shows and influencers the bad ones are always the more popular ones.
But then, there's hope that good is still winning, beyond Disney movies and this kind of analysis and overview on things, so bluntly written can just broaden our own thinking. By good here I'm definitely talking about both of Mansons books, and I would even go further to really recommend you his blog and newsletters. Yeah, this was actually my 3rd reason to fear recommending him; even if you haven't read any of his books, at least once in your lifetime you probably stumbled upon his articles. In Subtle Art, you will have the impression you've read those ideas before because he recycled most of his articles, but the fir rouge is there and is so good to refresh the ideas that gave you aha moments, to make sure you're still inspired and you don't forget. You know, with all this info pollution, I might even get back to some of his pages.
If you're still not convinced, in this Airplane Mode podcast by GQ, he talks about both of his books and the journey full of fears after writing the first one and the expactations he had from the second one.
Get to know the author
Manson is someone who you either love or hate, or your curious and then you judge.
I'm a big fan, and I always tell myself that I want to be the feminine version of him, as clear and deep as him. Maybe swearing less, cause that's not my style, although I do have a less catholic way of addressing some issues, especially when it comes to relationships. But you don't get this feeling of damn, you're so right or wow, this sound good, I want to quote the shit out of this article, mostly from all of his articles or newsletters...
Seth Godin is for me at the same level of enthusiasm and wanting to share what their writing, but they're great in their different fields.
Quotes and pages
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Effort and reward have a linear relationship when the action is mindless and simple. Effort and reward have a diminishing returns relationship when the action is complex and multivariate.
But when the action becomes purely psychological—an experience that exists solely within our own consciousness—the relationship between effort and reward becomes inverted.
Pursuing happiness takes you further away from it. Attempts at greater emotional control only remove us from it. The desire for greater freedom is often what causes us to feel trapped. The need to be loved and accepted prevents us from loving and accepting ourselves.
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